3D. A profession in which the artist is considered to be good when his work is invisible. And yet right before our very eyes. 3D is the poetry of the invisible, where the best artists hide behind pixels that exist only to sublimate reality. Bertrand (BBB3Viz) is one of those who have pushed back the boundaries of the discipline. The images in this exhibition are milestones that have made possible what the general public sees today. A master of Invisible Art, Bertrand has shared his know-how over the years to help the discipline evolve. It has never been a question of financial enrichment but rather of intellectual enrichment that contributes to the evolution of what graphic designers know. BBB3viz is an artist with a passion for creating realistic 3D scenes. He has exceptional skills and talent for capturing reality in astonishing ways. With architecture at the heart of his work, the artist plunges you into the incredible bliss of unreal reality, or is it the other way round?